Archive for June, 2009

AU’s Katzen Arts Center


As you come within view of the Katzen Arts Center a wooden sloop appears to be abandoned in the grass. It is the Sipriz, of The Haitian Sailing Project. Ocean Navigator online has an article about Geert van der Kolk, the Sipriz and the motivation. At the Katzen you will also see a number of paintings from Haiti and the North Sail that was decoratively modified for the Sipriz.

Margaret Boozer’s Dirt Drawings are process oriented: Clay: dug for various colors, sometimes broken into rough clumps and sometimes ground finely. Mechanically created arcs sometimes dry and sometimes wet, even seeping from the clay mound onto the gallery floor. It reminds one of how our most ancient ancestors must have explored materials before clay became pottery and decoration.

I’ve looked at Jules Feiffer’s work for many years and there is a familiarity when looking at “My Fellow Americans: 40 Years of Political Cartoons” even if I cannot remember the actual piece. Mr. Feiffer remarked, “I could just change the copyright date and the work would be current.” I agreed with him and we lamented how little things change.


PIPs + Jack

Iris with Jack in the background
Iris & Pelle
Jack & Paris

Bad Guys & War Criminals

My current project in process.

In memory of Nathanael H. Pirolo



The late “greeter” at Claire de Lune, North Park, San Diego

Sam Gilliam at Towson

About 20 years ago

I crewed on Namaste, a Cherubini 44 in the Bermuda Ocean Race sponsored by the Eastport Yacht Club & the St. George’s Dinghy and Sports Club. The Course: Annapolis to Bermuda.

The actual vessel we sailed was used In the Line of Fire, shot at Flag Harbor Marina, Calvert Co. MD. The interior shots are not the actual vessel but a studio recreation.

it was a sistership to this vessel



Wood Fired Oven

Wood fired oven

Egyptian Pizza, Garrison, Baltimore County, Maryland  

The key to Modern Revolution is Creative Nonviolence

Nelson Mandela: “Nonviolence Holds the Key to Survival”

Yellow Flora

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June 2009